The words “Fine” or “OK” might be stated by a client, guest, customer, or significant other. These little words may have much more behind them….
“It’s fine…”
“I’m fine…”
“The [experience] was fine…”
“My relationship is fine…”
“My job is Fine.”
On the surface, the word or response “fine” can, BE FINE… But we have to be attentive to indicators. They allow us to be better at responding. What’s “said in the un-said” can be crucial to our relationships and [any] development.
Many years ago, my father taught me an acronym for this little, but bold word:
F.I.N.E. – Feelings Inside Not Expressed.
His message stuck with me. Now, I am reviving and dissecting other leadership lessons in my life. I’ve recently been using the FINE acronym as a coaching opportunity with our own teams.
Excellence is what we coach and strive for. Being excellent involves asking excellent questions. The quality of our life is determined by the quality of questions we ask.
In the hospitality leadership world, we are primed to focus mainly on the level of that hospitality. We also focus on how it’s being delivered.
“How is your [Service, Meal, Shift, Energy, Vibe — etc.…] today?” — “It’s ok [fine]. Thank you”
‘Fine’ or often ‘ok’ is a possible indication that we need more information. We should want to know more. Often, “fine” is a word someone chooses to pacify a situation. It may gloss over a situation. They might think they don’t have time for it, or they don’t deem it worthy of getting into. Often our clients, guests, customers, and associate’s lives are filled with so many other things. Perhaps one more thing isn’t worth the time. But I encourage you; as a leader, you should want to make it worth your time. If it has anything to do with your team, your business, your livelihood, the energy, or the culture… give the effort.
Follow up, to get more, seek more, and win more.
“How could it be better?”
“Fine is fine, but how could it be great?”
“What can I do to level that up for you?”

This thought process is ultimately an interchangeable approach. Whether you work in hospitality or lead in any other capacity, knowing the vibe is important. Understanding the experience and the level of quality are also crucial. All these factors contribute to your team’s success and business success, maybe even personal success. And most importantly, we likely can’t afford to let mediocre permeate our brands, teams, businesses, relationships or attitudes.
How they answer, and what they say next is extremely valuable. Be ready to absorb their response. Think on it and react with tact. It is the one opportunity you get to change someone’s day, value perception, or mood.
Don’t be fine with F.I.N.E. – How would you phrase the follow up questions? How would you find the solutions….
Make today the best day yet!